Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We strive to provide a platform that connects individuals seeking to enter into the sacred institution of marriage. It is important to carefully read and understand our refund policy before proceeding with any transactions on our website.

Non-Refundable Nature:

All transactions made on [Muslim Matrimony Website are non-refundable. Once a payment is processed, we do not entertain any requests for refunds.

Understanding the Non-Refundable Policy:
The non-refundable nature of our services is in place to maintain the integrity of our platform and to ensure that the resources and efforts invested in facilitating connections and providing our matrimonial services are sustained.

Transaction Confirmation:

Users are encouraged to carefully review their transactions before confirming payment. The confirmation of a payment transaction implies the acknowledgment and acceptance of our non-refundable policy.

Cancellation Policy:

Since our services involve immediate and continuous efforts upon payment, cancellation of transactions is not possible. Users are urged to be certain about their decisions before proceeding with any payments.

Payment Disputes:

In the event of a dispute or unauthorized transaction, users are advised to contact our customer support promptly. While we will investigate the matter, it is important to note that the non-refundable policy remains in effect.

Service Guarantee:

ZawajHub is committed to providing quality matrimonial services. In the unlikely event of any service-related issues, users are encouraged to reach out to our customer support for assistance, and we will make every effort to address and resolve concerns.

Modification of Services:

Zawajhub reserves the right to modify or discontinue any part of its services without notice. In such cases, no refunds will be provided for services that have already been rendered or for any prepaid periods.

Legal Obligations:

This refund policy is subject to applicable laws and regulations. In the case of any legal obligations requiring a refund, ZawajHub will comply with such obligations.
By utilizing the services offered by, users explicitly agree to abide by the terms of this refund policy.

For any inquiries or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact